Writer Teacher Choreographer
MFA in Performance and Choreography
University of Colorado at Boulder
Studied with: Nada Diachenko, David Capps, Robin Haig, Toby Hankin, Nancy Spanier.
Specialized Areas of Study: Administration and Curriculum, Teaching Methods, Contact Improvisation, Laban Movement Analysis, Non-verbal Communication, Rhetorical Criticism, Performance Improvisation.
BA in Dance
University of Texas at Austin
Studied with: Sharon Vasquez, Ann Daly, Leon Danelian, Sondra Lomax, Woody McGriff, Yacov Sharir.
Specialized Areas of Study: Dance History/Criticism and Dance Production.

Austin Community College
Northwest Vista College
Bridgewater State University
Suffolk University
UMass Boston
Mount Sacred Heart School (K-8)
Saint Mary’s Hall (K-12)
AISD (2nd-3rd Grade, and Middle School)
Artistic Director, Mosaic Dance Body
(Austin, TX and Cambridge, MA)
Performed throughout Texas and Massachusetts in repertory created by Artistic Director and guest choreographers.
Dancer, C.U. Contemporary Dance Works
(Boulder, CO)
Performed throughout Colorado in repertory created by student choreographers.
Dancer/Choreographer, Kinesis Dance Theatre (Austin, TX)
Additional duties included coordinating benefit performances, fundraising events and artist residencies, directing volunteer activity and performance logistics.
Dancer, Ariel Dance Theatre (Austin, TX)
Concerts: "Y is a Crooked Letter" and "Deep Sleep"

IAHPEDS Congress Site Coordinator / San Antonio (2021-2022)
Responsible for organizing World Congress in San Antonio.
Dance Program Manager / Teacher, Saint Mary's Hall Private School San Antonio (2017-2020)
Responsible for redesigning program’s logistical processes, managing productions and constituent communications, along with teaching, and choreographing for student concerts.
Marketing & Events Officer, Royal Academy of Dance - Step into Dance Program London, UK (2010-2011)
Marketing role included managing visibility for the youth program - social media and website presence, media relations and merchandizing. Events role included organizing performances and coordinating front of house activities and volunteers.
Master Class and Guest Speaker Coordinator for DANCEfest Austin (2000)
Responsible for recruiting teachers, securing space and donations, along with scheduling and coordinating volunteer activity.
Assistant Administrative Coordinator for regional American College Dance Festival Boulder (1995)
Responsible for securing food donations, organizing receptions, researching travel and housing resources, and establishing service trades for participant transportation.
Executive Director, San Antonio Dance Umbrella (2017)
Responsible for facilitating, supporting and advocating for local dance artists, educators and enthusiasts, grant writing, and events.
Founder/Director, Mosaic Dance Body Austin, TX and Cambridge, MA (1999-2007 and 2012-present)
Responsible for artistic direction and marketing plan, administering city & state grants, coordinating fundraising efforts, managing media relations, volunteers and company members, commissioning guest artists and liaising with venues for site-specific and theatre work.
Founder/Coordinator for Mosaic - summer dance and visual arts program for the children of SafePlace Austin (1999)
Responsible for grant writing, designing curriculum, hiring and training staff and administering program.
Tour Director/Dancer for C.U. Contemporary Dance Works Colorado (1995)
Responsible for securing bookings and housing, scheduling classes and performances in target communities, coordinating dancer rehearsals and organizing tour itinerary.

NDS Conference (online)
NDEO Conference (various)
Texas Dance Improvisation Festival;
Denton, TXCEDFA Conference, Austin, TX
Dance Certification 8-12 grade, PE Certification K-12, History Certification
8-12 gradeZumba Certification
American Fitness Association of
America Certification
Master classes with Llory Wilson, Merce Cunningham, Bebe Miller, Lori Belilove (Isadora Duncan Technique), Cindy Gratz (Sam Houston University), Cinzia Cascianini, (Associazione Culturale Danza of Italy), Sumi Komo (Alexander/Cunningham), Frank Katoola (African Dance - Nigerian),
Pilates Training with Pilates Center of Austin and Ballet Austin
Studied with Stephen Pelton (Limon-based) - The Place, Greenwich Dance Agency, Siobhan Davies Studios
Choreography workshop with Tere O’Connor, Green Street Studios
Contemporary technique with Jody Weber, Nicole Pierce, Cheri Opperman, floor ballet with Marcus Schulkind - Green Street Studios
Master classes with Brenda Dubin (Paul Taylor), Brenda Dixon-Gottschild (history), Sally Kaplan, (videodance), Purnima Varia (Classical Indian Dance), Liz Lerman, Blondell Cummings, Eva Cernik (Middle Eastern Dance), Carla Maxwell (Limon), Jeanette Trujillo (Flamenco)
Contact improvisation with Adwoa Lemieux
Studied Alexander Technique with Sumi Komo

Zumba Certification
Women’s Activism: Education, Art, Writing, Film - Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study
Teaching Methods - Southwest Texas State University (Coursework toward Texas Teacher Certification)
Publications: Newsletter Editor - National Dance Society
Board Member - Austin City Ballet, TX
Billing Coordinator/Scheduler – Green Street Studios, Cambridge, MA
Performer – Benefit performance for ARIA; NYC
Board Member – Boston Dance Alliance, Boston, MA
Coordinator - Underwear Drive for SafePlace (in conjunction with DRAWERS concert), Austin, TX
Coordinator - Piece by Piece choreographer chat, Umlauf Sculpture Garden, Austin, TX
Mosaic Movement and Visual Arts classes for children at SafePlace
Coordinator/performer - Benefit Performance for SafePlace at the Austin Children’s Museum, TX
National Dance Society - Leadership Academy Recipient (2022)
Preliminary Judge for Joci Awards (2021)
Mosaic Dance Body, company in residence -
Austin City Ballet (2012)
Recipient of "Space Grant" – Green Street Studios (2006)
Work chosen for performance in “Choreographers Group” (2005)
Work chosen for performance in “Ten’s the Limit” choreographic showcase (2004)
Recipient of Green Street Studio Emerging Artist Fellowship (2003)
Member of Austin Critic’s Table (2001)
City of Austin grant funding for Mosaic Dance Body (1998-2002)
Dance Panel, University of Texas Dance Department 60th Anniversary (1998)
Texas Commission on the Arts Resident Artist Roster (1997-2000)
Dean’s Small Grant Award, for the production of MFA Concert
Graduate Part-Time Instructorship
Supplemental Fellowship Program
Theatre and Dance Graduate Fellowship
Morton Brown Scholarship
Dean’s List
Senior Dance Major Representative
Fine Arts Council
Communication Theories: A Potential Resource for Modern Dancers
Submitted to the Faculty of the Department of Theatre and Dance in Partial Fulfillment of the Degree of Master of Fine Arts in Choreography and Performance