November 14
Born Today:
Louise Brooks
The very image of a 1920s flapper, Louise Brooks (1906-1985) is best known for her bobbed haircut and for starring in silent film Pandora’s Box (1929). However, her performing career began as a Denishawn dancer from 1922-1924, touring internationally with Ruth St. Denis (1879-1968) and Ted Shawn (1891-1972). Before her film career began, she also danced for George White’s Scandals (1924) and in the Ziegfeld Follies of 1925.
Also Born Today: Composer Aaron Copeland (1900-1990) created Americana scores for early modern and ballet choreographers. Spanish Flamenco dancer Antonio Gades (1936-2004) co-founded and directed the Spanish National Ballet.
Movie: The Turning Point released in 1977