December 20
Born Today:
Suzanne Langer
American philosopher Suzanne Langer (1895-1985) earned her degree from Harvard University at Radcliffe College for women and later taught at many universities including NYU, Vassar, and Smith College. Her groundbreaking book, Philosophy in a New Key (1942), considered the study of aesthetics as a way to understand how humans think. In her later books, Feeling and Form (1953) and Problems of Art (1957), she helped bring legitimacy to the philosophical study of dance, modern dance in particular, an expressive branch of the art form.
Also Born Today: Dancer Valerie Bettis (1919-1982), who danced with modern choreographer Hanya Holm (1893-1992), performed on Broadway and choreographed dances for film star and dancer Rita Hayworth (1918-1987).
Broadway Premiere: Dreamgirls in 1981